Stability law, stop the rise of tasi. majority divided on the imu to ex montani

go-ahead in balance Committee in Senate to the stop the rise of tasi expected fo 2015. The measure will introduced in maxi amendment that will presented today in Senate for vote of confidence. in this way you will keep for the next year the current framework, thus avoiding the sting that he would cut down on the first houses. Uncertain the situation for imu on  ex montani grounds, beacause the majority is divided on the possibility to abolish or not the tax.

increase rate tasi

for 2014, the rate tasi could not exceed the rate of 2. 5 per thousand (+0,8 per thousand pervious to the common that have introduced some deductions). from 2015 was expected entry into force of ordinary roof with rate tasi increasable until 6 per tousand without deductions too. A scenary that, as reported by the cgia di mestre, would lead to increases of 200% on real estate taxation.
